- in Abundance
Receiving Abundance – Opening Up to Receive

Receiving Abundance - Opening Up to Receive

Receiving Abundance - Opening
Up to Receive
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
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What is Abundance?
Abundance for so many is to have a lot of money, driving an expensive car, owning a big mansion, being successful and generally having all those material things, that are perceived to make you happy.
But what about the abundance of love, abundance of health, abundance of beautiful heart based relationships (even the beloved of your heart), abundance of nature, abundance of joy and enjoyment?
Can you see and more importantly feel the difference between the two above?
One is based on the mind, it is all about achieving, showing off, being 'better' than others and looking for abundance outside of you. It feels harsh and it is based on lack. Mainly because there is always something better or newer to have or to achieve.
The other is based on the heart, it comes from inside of you or is based on what is already given freely by the Universe. It feels warm, beautiful and there is nothing to achieve.
So why don't we base our abundance on these heart based values, instead of the mind based ones?
Real abundance starts from the inside, it begins with opening up to your inner abundance. An abundance that is not dependent on outside circumstances. It means opening the heart to the love that you are and that is all around you. It is the simplicity of enjoying everything that is around you and connecting from the heart with all the wonderful and diverse humans, animals and plants that share this beautiful planet with you.
It means following your intuition and the prompts that your heart (which is the connection to your higher levels and the Universe) give you. It means following your passion and putting your heart in everything you do.
And you know what is even more beautiful?
By doing the above the abundance of money you have been looking for for so long will come automatically. By following your heart and opening yourself to the Universe, the abundance of health will follow suit. Real friendships and relationships that are based on a deep heart felt connection will be your new normal.
Abundance is the natural state of this planet, we can clearly see this everywhere on the Earth in nature. Lack is always man-made, or rather ego-mind made.
To overcome this feeling of lack, it is required to move from your mind into your heart. This allows you to see all the abundance around you and to open yourself up to receive. So you are able to see the abundance that is already already there in your life.
Stop expecting that certain material possessions will make you happy. If this is even possible, it is always very short lived, until the newness is worn off and something 'better' shows up that needs to be attained.
By being attached to certain outcomes and to material things, these outcomes and things are controlling you
Our expectations are a big obstacle to receive the gifts the Universe has to offer.
It's like the parable of a dear one wanting a cookie and the Universe responds by offering the whole bakery to the them. Yet the dear one keeps repeating that they only want this one specific cookie, thereby being blind to the wonderful huge gift the Universe is offering to them.
They just are not able to see the big gift with all the cookies their heart could ever desire, because their mind is hanging on to the picture of wanting this one specific cookie.
Isn't that funny? We stop the abundance coming in our life only because the gifts look different than we expect them to be.
So, if the next time you hear yourself saying "No" to something new, step back and think about it for a moment and say - "Why not?".... Feel into your heart and if it feels right, just try it, explore it, and have fun with it!
This is the start to a life of real abundance
Real abundance is about building connections to others, creating and co-creating. Living your passions and living from the heart. And when you do that, material abundance has to come in. There is no way it won't come in.
The only thing you are asked is to have no expectations and and to let go of any attachment to an outcome.
Another question you you might want to ask yourself: Do I REALLY want the things that I want? Or is it my ego, that tells me what I have to want this?
You are always provided by you higher levels with everything that you really want, not from an ego-based state of mind, but from a heart based state of being and expressing who you truly are.
Infinite Love to you!

Receiving Abundance - Opening
Up to Receive
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.