- in Abundance
Releasing the Fear of Change

Releasing the Fear of Change
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
For Personal Use Only.
Price $11.11
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Releasing The Fear Of Change (Transcript)
Hello everyone, today we are talking about the fear of change and I have created a recording to address that, to have you release the fear of change, and today´s conversation will address a few points what you can do and offer you more clarity why it is happening and also of course we will give you an exercise. If you want to really go forward with your transformation we recommend to do this.
When does this fear appear? I was really fearful in situations with a new job or going to vacations...
Yes but why do you say "I was..?" Isn't it actually more like that it still is the case?
Yes you´re right...
You just don´t pay attention or don´t give power to the mind trying to keep you safe from living a happier life and doing what you really want and enjoy. The mind wants to stay comfortable, it wants to keep you and itself safe. That’s the main reason why you feel the fear of change as the mind wants to hang on to what it knows and that´s why...
And I´m so used to it... I know, when I want to do something new... aaahh there instantly is the fear of change... Even though I know it´s all okay...
Yes, because you don´t give it power, it´s just you know you want to do, and if it feels alight when you feel into your presence and into your heart. When it feels expansive then know it is going to be fine, that you will have fun and that you will do it anyway.
The recording we have will help you to do just that. To get conscious about why this fear is there and to see for what it is, so you don’t hang on to old stuff, just because it seems scary. Things always happen, so if someone loses their job or whatever, the apartment - the universe will show up with something better.
The problem is: People fall into fear and worry and then they hold things back. Because they tend to hold on to the old.
Often, the first emotion, when something changes is. Oh that´s bad. Why?
Yes, because it´s new and the mind doesn't know what will happen and that´s why it refers to change as bad, instead of just seeing it for what it is - it is change.
The mind goes into survival mode. Oh my god, I lost my job, I have to pay my bills, my family wants to be fed and my car payment has to be made. How will we get along? And that´s why we hold onto jobs we don´t like, because we think we have to take care of all of that stuff.
The first question is: Why do we have to have that?
The thing is, if we really want to have something new, we put it out to the universe. Maybe we are not happy with our job. So, you put it out to the universe and probably the next thing that happens might be that you lose exactly that job, even if you quit yourself. I would not recommend doing that, because something will happen due to you putting it out there.
Either you will get a job offer from somewhere else without having to lose that job or you will lose that job, just because it is complementary, because another one is already lined up. But if you go into fear and worry, you push that outcome away.

The universe always provides us with what we want and if I want a new job but in the end I am resistant against it, it can get really messy...
The problem is that you´re putting out mixed messages. For one you want something new, but on the other hand you don´t want the change that comes with it. The universe doesn't judge, it always gives you what you want, and when you put out a lot of mixed messages, the results will be a mess as well.
And that’s where manifestations go wrong, because people put something out there, and then re-contemplate it the next day, or ask why it isn’t already there. Thereby starting all over again...
Even the law of attraction, those teachings tell you if I want a new job, you have to imagine that and then I have to visualize it over and over again.
That´s actually the wrong approach. You just put it out and then let it go without hanging onto it and not telling the universe it has to look like this or that. Because the universe knows exactly what is the best for you.
It knows where you will have the most fun and where you can express yourself best. That´s really where so many go wrong. Because the mind tries to control everything and hang on to stuff that is not even necessary or complementary any more.
It´s like ordering something at Amazon. You order it and then you let it go, knowing that it will arrive at your doorstep. And one day you get it. You never doubt the process.
Exactly. It’s basically the same process. It´s just, when you put out something to the universe, let´s say you want a new car, some people are too specific: it has to be this car, this color, white seats inside, exactly those wheels…. And on and on and on goes the list.
Why not just put out: I want to have this or something better and then wait for the universe to bring it for you.
The universe doesn't know time, so sometimes it will take a bit longer, sometimes it might go faster. It’s just how it works... things have to fall into place. Other people have to do some things to bring it in and sometimes they have their own problems and then something else has to happen.
It´s a big universal conspiration FOR you. Sometimes it has to take a little more time, because something is not ready. But always know that things are happening for you and that you will get exactly what is best for YOU. If you don´t start to worry again and start to hold on and to control and what not.
That´s a sure way to keep those manifestations away. If you ask yourself what has gone wrong or why isn't it here already. Because when you start asking: "why don´t I have it yet?" you basically call back the universe, your guides, your entourage and they have to start anew. Because you are doubting the process.
Another thing why the manifestations don´t happen is because you hold on to the old...
Exactly. If you want something new, most likely things have to change. And this is why we have done this recording and why we are having this conversation to help you to clear those things, to just be comfortable with change.
Just like Monika does: she knows: okay it´s just the mind playing fear games, it´s nothing to worry about. I´ll do it anyway, because I know as I am following my heart, I´m on the right way.
And you can find out if it´s the right direction. It will feel expansive and exciting. If it really feels constricted and not good, then it might be not the right thing.
In our first conversation, where we introduced the program, I told you about how you can use the body as pendulum. You can do that and find out if it really is the best thing to do when you are in doubt about it.
Releasing the Fear of Change
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
For Personal Use Only.
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.