- in Abundance
Removing Limitation

Removing Limitation
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
For Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
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Removing Limitations
The accompanying recording will help you to release your limitations and to become conscious of them and this text will serve you as manual to see how limitations are working and how you can release them without accidentally reintegrating them
How do limitations manifest?
Well, have you ever noticed people saying: "If I only would win in the lottery, I could do this or that..." or "If I could only get to my retirement, I could relax and do the things I enjoy" or "If I only would meet the beloved of my heart, then I could be happy" another one would be "If I would lose 20 pounds, I could be happy".
They put their happiness and their fulfillment outside of themselves. If a certain thing happens, they believe they will be fulfilled and happy and live the life of their dreams, which of course, will never happen.
Because limitations are always self-imposed or rather mind-imposed. It is a mind´s game to keep us small and the mind itself comfortable.
Do you see the pattern? If they really had the money, it would not last long and they would find lots of other reasons to not be fulfilled again. There will always be a reason why they can´t do what they want to do.
Many people just don´t want to face their fears and limitation. For example, they might be overweight, and they want to lose those additional pounds. It certainly would be good a good start to get out, move the body and exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet.
The first thing the mind probably throws at them though, is: "What will others think, when they see my fat body exercising? It sure will look awkward and maybe they laugh at me! I better wait until I have lost some of that weight!"
Why don´t we say - to hell with what everyone is thinking! I´m doing it for myself, I just go out and do it! And funny enough, the others most likely react like this: "Look, how courageous they are, going out and exercising despite them being obese. I would love to do that also!" They won´t laugh about it - to the contrary, they will feel the permission and inspiration to do it as well.
So, the first step to overcome your limitations is to face your fears. Maybe going out and talking to strangers or whatever those fears might be.
The mind will always find reasons why you can´t do something. It is about facing your fears and just doing it and thereby you´re facing your limitations head on, breaking through them. Realizing that those big fiery dragons (your fears) are only little puffs of hot air with nothing behind it.
By using these excuses, e.g. people might laugh at me, I have the wrong gender, I am too young/too old, you give your power away to the outside world. But we are here to express and enjoy and not to do what the outside world chooses to be okay with that we do. Because the outside world is what it is, you can never please everyone. There will always be someone finding something wrong with you and judging you.
It is very important to not give you power away to anyone or anything. By doing this you are limiting yourself. This could even be the weather - it might be too hot, too cold, it may be raining, it might be windy... By giving in to these perceptions, you are giving your power away as well.
It often looks like this: Your mind will tell you that you cannot do this because you will get wet, or it is too cold or whatever the case might be... Of course, it is not as nice to go for a walk when it´s raining, as it would be on a sunny day. But usually there is a solution – you could change your clothes afterwards, for example.
The mind is always attempting to keep us safe, but there is no reason to always play it safe. This is a product of survival, assuming that we are finite beings.
We are limitless and we came here to express and embody who we truly are. And safety is not important for our true self, it doesn´t even know about it. We as our eternal self cannot be harmed.
Many limitations come from the outside world, we learn it in our childhood. we are to small, to awkward, to immature to do this and that... then we believe it and buy into it and when we are grown up it is still there, within our subconscious and even our cells.
It is always the same pattern, but when you become aware of it, you are able change it. The first thing is to ask yourself: is this really a reason or is it something I have been taught? Or is it a belief, because someone has told me that I am not capable of it? Now you are really able to see your patterns and by becoming aware of them you have the ability to re-decide and consciously let them go.
The second thing is to move from the mind, which will always tell you stories about lack and fear, into your heart, where there is no limitation.
The more someone comes from their mind, perceiving it to be the master, the more they are limiting themselves. Limited to not do anything because... the mind always finds a reason.
Or, the other way around, they have to do this and that, because society says it has to be done like this. I call this the sheeple effect, as most humans are tending to do things like the others do and are afraid to walk their own walk and talk their own talk.
And just by being aware of these patterns and asking yourself. Is this really true for myself? Or is my heart telling me to go out to meet new people, to exercise or whatever the case might be. Showing everyone who I truly am and stopping to limit myself.
So, when you see yourself just having the thought: "I cannot do this because..." it is a sure sign that this is something you might want to address. Even more so, if you feel fear in the background or resistance.
And the best way to clear your limitations is to face your fears and resistances and to do it anyway (always within reason, of course).
Removing Limitation
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
For Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
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