- in Abundance
Releasing Anger Around Money

Releasing Anger Around Money
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price Only $11.11
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Releasing Anger Around Money
Anger around money is usually an accumulation of several emotions: envy, feeling that someone else is luckier then we are, or that we don´t get what we want to get in our life, feeling of injustice and whatever the case may be...
To be able to let true abundance into our lives it is important to release this.
This anger usually develops because we are always comparing ourselves with others: I’ll use a bit of an exaggerated example here: There might be a childhood friend who inherited a huge amount of money and drives a big car now, lives in a mansion and is perceivable happy. It is very understandable that you might be envious and feel that life is just not fair.
Or you may drive a small car and when a Cadillac passes by, you start to feel angry and think: “With my luck I will never have a car like this! If I only won the lottery!"
These negative emotions are pushing that what you want away from you.
Instead of enjoying seeing the Cadillac and thinking how beautiful it is, asking the Universe to bring a car like this into your life! You allow the energies to work for you and just wait for the opportunities to show up to bring the vehicle into your life.
With the negative attitude of feeling treated unjust and feeling like a victim, you push the very things away you want to bring into your life.
It is a mind thing to compare yourself to others and to think you need a lot of money, a huge house and an expensive car to be truly happy.
Every time when you think you NEED something, you allow it to have control over you. And at the same time, you´re pushing it away, it is quite interesting.
Instead of just enjoying what you have and what is around you and saying: how great is it that others have such a beautiful thing. It shows me that I can have the same or something better...
If this is truly something that I ENJOY and not what I was taught to enjoy... This is important as well. So many people are thinking: "If I just had a big house or a bunch of money, I would be happy".
It’s funny how the mind works, because as soon as they have all of that, instead of being happy as they perceive that they would be, a short time later when all the newness is gone they start to want the next ‘better’ toy, bigger home or more money to fill that emptiness within themselves.

The important thing is to see the abundance around us, in nature and to feel the happiness just to be here in a body on a planet with all its magnificence. Being able see, feel, experience and much more...
But what can I do if I feel the overwhelming of envy, anger and even rage?
If we take the example of the childhood friend who inherited a lot of money that is perceivably happy or whatever the case maybe for you. Why don´t we simply ask them, if this is true?
The same thing goes for everything. Look behind the scenes, the masks and the roles they play. Talk to people you are envious of and you will see that everyone has to carry their own baggage, everyone has their own problems.
Find out if they are really fulfilled. This way you will see that the grass usually is NOT greener on the other side and the anger will leave.
Usually having lots of money comes with a lot of having to show off, playing certain roles and lots of inconveniences (at least for those that play the money gives you a certain status game) – one of them being that of suddenly having lots of friends and admirers.
Happiness comes from within you. To become healthy, whole and complete within yourself, you need to release all of the density, emotional layers and programming and fill all perceived emptiness and lack with your true self/higher self. Doing this automatically brings in all the abundance of the universe.
What is it that truly fulfills you? This is a question you should ask yourself.
Look at things from an overview, don’t just look at it from the outside, but tune into it and try to find out what is behind the scenes.
Very soon you will start to see things for what they truly are. It helps you to let go of of anger, frustration and stuck-up energy around abundance. All these stuck energies are holding the abundance back from coming into your life.
Very important: Don’t suppress any anger you feel. Let it come up and out. Find a healthy outlet for the anger, don’t let it out on others. Go for a walk in the woods and scream, scream into a pillow or use a punching bag.
The frequency track will assist you to remove all these stuck energies, negative emotions and to begin to appreciate all that you have.
Because - how can you appreciate what you want, if you don´t appreciate what you have?

Releasing Anger Around Money
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.