- in Abundance
Clearing Self Doubt

Clearing Self Doubt
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
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Clearing Self Doubt
In the old paradigm we were taught that having self doubt is something natural. Some people even think that it is something that is necessary.
After all, if you don’t doubt your abilities and your power you might end up doing something that you are not capable of and you might get hurt, right?
No - it is not natural and not even necessary.
Self doubt is always mind made, as the mind wants to keep you safe and itself comfortable. It always tries to avoid the unknown and rather stays with something that clearly doesn’t work, but at least it is known and therefore comfortable to the mind.
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it is just something that will keep you small and keeps you from claiming your own innate power and abilities.
Where We Doubt Ourselves The Most Is Where We Should Begin To Take Action
Very often, when you have the most self doubt and resistance about doing something, then it is a sure sign that this is something that you need to do.
I myself, have experienced this time and time again and this is why I started doing things ‘just because’. Just because my heart is telling me to do it, no matter what the outcome might be.
No matter what others think, or how they might perceive me. No matter how upset they might get, because it may go against their belief system. No matter if they laugh at me or start to bash me.
The more you face your self doubts and really start asking yourself what could be the worst outcome, the easier it gets to overcome them.
Can you imagine a flower doubting whether it should grow and flourish or not? Or a rock or a tree in doubt if it should be there, if it is beautiful or if it’s doing the right thing?
I am certainly not saying that you should do everything you have doubts about. This is where our intuition comes into play.
Of course, we do have our survival instinct, which is there to protect us from harm. We can feel it when our solar plexus tightens up when we want to cross the street in front of a bus. This is where this innate warning system of our body comes into play, to keep us safe from actual harm.
Unfortunately, most of us have lost the connection to this warning system, because we are taught to basically fear everything and not to rely on our intuition.
Right now, I am not talking about this very important warning system that comes with our body.
Right now, I am talking about the self doubt and fear that is keeping you from growing and expanding. The self doubt that keeps you from questioning things and that keeps you small.
Self Doubt Takes Away Your Ability To Create and Step Into Your Own Power
Self doubt always wants to keep you small. It takes away your energy to create. It is a product of society’s conditioning.
The conditioning we receive during our childhood usually takes us away from feeling and expressing our feelings (e.g. men don´t cry) as well as from noticing and understanding our body´s signals (e.g. you have to eat breakfast, even if you are not hungry).
We are taught to ignore our body´s signals and our heart’s prompts - and this is a huge reason, so many have lost the connection to their own body and can’t understand what their body is telling them in case of danger, an imbalance, or even an emergency.
The Mind as Our Master
As a substitute, we begin to use our mind and all the taught behaviors as an alarm system and let the mind control our whole life. Repeating old patterns over and over again, because the mind loves to stay where it is comfortable.
In the end, we may even believe that there is no other way as to live from the mind, because we see our heart and our body as not capable and something that must be controlled.
This is why it is necessary to become aware and retrain yourself, so you will be able to notice and feel the prompts of your heart again. Starting to regain trust in the power of your heart, as it is your connection to your higher levels and the Universe and therefore it is the best and most amazing guide that you can have within your life.
If it is hard for you to feel into your heart, it is because there may be too many layers around it, which need to be released. It is possible to remove them and removing these layers is beneficial for everyone, as living from your heart is your natural state of being...
Is Self Doubt Part of Our Personality?
We often think that self doubt is a part of our personality and are questioning to release all this self doubt, because it somehow feels like it is part of us. This is only because we are so used to doubting ourselves that we think it is part of our nature.
Don´t forget that self doubt is the instrument to keep you small and there is no way to grow without removing it or at least not paying attention to it.
Doubts are often consciously or unconsciously seeded by others to keep us small and quiet. It is very important to become aware of these collective doubts which you can see most often after a terror attack when suddenly, so many people become fearful to go to an event or to fly with a plane etc.
f you watch all those patterns that have been ingrained into society, the education system and all of mass consciousness, your will be able to easily see that all these self doubts are not really yours and that they have been implanted into your consciousness to keep you small, so you never will be able to step into your own power.
Begin to become aware of your heart’s prompts and your true feelings and accept them as your truth. Don´t accept someone else’s truth as yours anymore, start to step into your own truth.
Clearing Self Doubt
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.