- in Abundance
Eliminating Self Sabotage

Eliminating Self Sabotage Around Abundance
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price Only $11.11
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Eliminating Self Sabotage
Isn’t it funny how we are sabotaging ourselves, mostly without even realizing it?
I am sure you too have experienced this, because I certainly have.
Maybe there is an opportunity to do something and you feel the nudge or even sometimes really want to go there or do it, but then you find a thousand reasons why you can’t do it right now, until it finally is too late to even start, or the event or situation is over.
Or, it is the other way around – you signed up for something or planned something and were really looking forward to it and finally when the day and the time arrives, your mind gives you reason after reason why it isn’t such a good idea and you should better stay home.
I see this time and time again in people around me, those that I work with and sometimes even with myself. It doesn’t really matter what it is. Maybe you wanted to go for a hike, but then it is too cloudy and there is a possibility for rain or it might be too hot…
Or – you have been asking for a better job because you don’t make enough money and you have a lot of problems with your boss, and finally when the opportunity arrives, and you have an offer for a better job – suddenly your old job doesn’t seem so bad any more.
The other job might be too far away and hard to reach by train or bus. You don’t know how the company is and you are afraid that it is not as good as it seems…
Can You See What Is Happening Here?
Your mind is trying to keep itself comfortable. It tries to stay within the known, it tries to keep you safe. Never wanting to try something new, wanting to keep things as they are, even if it clearly doesn’t work…
It tries to feed you a million reasons why you can’t do this or that. Very often it goes back into your memories and shows you all the things that have gone wrong and by its reasoning therefore can go wrong this time as well.
And then, in the midst of all these mind games, you can feel the pull within your heart. Telling you to do it, telling you to try out new things and to walk into the unknown. Telling you to be who you are and to walk YOUR walk and not the beaten path your mind tries to sell you.
The reasons for self sabotage are varied, but in the end, it boils down into only a few things:
1. The first decisions nearly all of us make early in our life are the following: Pain is bad, comfort is good, and the point of life is to be undisturbed. This is why you are hesitating to go out of your comfort zone, because to the mind it is all about avoiding discomfort, pain and to be undisturbed. But you really have to ask yourself: Is this really a life that is desirable? In the end, will this be a life that was worth living for?
2. More often than not you are giving your power away to some outside force. May it be a specialist, or someone licensed to solve the problems that you have. A great example is that we are taught to go to a doctor, even if it is something minor. With the notion that only a doctor will be able to fix your body and you can only regain health via their prescribed medication. Thereby avoiding having to take responsibility for your own health and having to look at the reasons that may cause this imbalance within your body.
Very often we do this, because we are afraid to face any obstacles. The mind tells us we are not good enough, we are too old, too young, do not have the right gender, we do not have the communication skills. The list goes on and on and on…
A typical self sabotage strategy of the mind is to occupy itself with television, computer games, Facebook posts... etc., etc.
When you come home from work, it tells you that you NEED to rest and amuse yourself a bit with all these things, because you have worked so hard... So, of course, by wasting your time with these little mind games you´ll never be able to step in your own power.
Do you see the pattern here? It is a very subtle strategy and conditioning by society to keep you small, working a low paying job or a job you don’t really enjoy and repeating these patterns forever and ever again.
This is why it is really important to feel into your heart. To really listen to your heart’s prompts and to your true desires.
Start by asking yourself the question: Where do I hesitate to go with what my heart tells me and why? Start stepping out of your comfort zone, almost always the rewards are much higher then any discomfort you MIGHT have by doing so.
If you feel truly courageous and are committed to yourself and your own growth. If you have the courage to step into yourself and walk side by side with your higher levels and the whole Universe, you can even do the following:
Take a deep breath and drop your consciousness into your heart center. Feel your own pristine presence arising from there and then ask the following question: I want to know what I want?
Then move on with your life and go with all the events and opportunities that come into your life. Things that don’t work and people that aren’t complementary will be moved out and opportunities and people will show up that will make your heart sing and the universe will do everything you truly desire into your life. You just have to show up and walk through the doors that present.
But please, please, please – do not have any expectations of how it has to look like or try to control it, as this only messes things up and puts the brakes on all the unfoldments that have been brought into motion by you asking this question.
Eliminating Self Sabotage
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
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