- in Abundance
Letting Go of Attachment

Letting Go of Attachment
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
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Letting Go of Attachment
What is Attachment?
This one is really huge. Attachment can literally be found EVERYWHERE. Attachment to outcomes, attachment to certain people, attachment to how anything and everything has to look like, to be like, to behave like. Attachment on how we want to be perceived and the list goes on and on and on…
It’s quite funny and many will probably think I am crazy, but what we need to do to fully move into the new paradigm reality or 5D is to get rid of ANY and ALL attachment in our lives.
In the old paradigm or 3D, which for people accepting this as their reality still is very real, everything is controlled by the mind. Everything is based on a state of survival. Attachment and control are the two things that can be found everywhere in this reality, as this is a huge factor of how the perception of power over others is achieved.
Even the ancient Romans have been doing this. It was called giving the people ‘bread and games’ to keep the common people’s minds occupied and keep them attached to things that they were told they can’t live without. Keeping everyone repeating those patterns for millennia’s.
Attachment is playing on the mind’s need for comfort and safety. It is playing on the inflexibility of the mind to keep you small and in fear, in a place where you will never consider claiming your own power. Giving you the perception that you are stuck with nowhere to go.
So many have a yearning in their heart that they want to follow, but because of the attachment to the roles and identities they have taken on and that they are so used to - for example having to be a good husband/wife, providing for the family, being a good son/daughter, having to earn a certain amount of money to be able to fund all the perceived must have gadgets and things that make life ‘better’ and that you are taught are a necessity.
I was quite dumbfounded when I started questioning the things I was attached to and really started to see where I was holding myself back, keeping myself small and really keeping myself from expressing who I truly am, and from my full embodiment.
I realized that during my life, more often than not by being attached to a certain outcome, a certain person, or thing – my attachment actually brought in the result or outcome I feared and tried to avoid.
Why did this happen?
Because attachment is fear based, it is coming from a place of lack. By keeping yourself attached to a certain outcome or even a person, you are starting to push that outcome or person away.
Have you ever noticed, that when you love someone and try to keep them for yourself, that those things that you fear the most are starting to happen?
For example, you fear that your beloved might get sick and you are doing everything to keep them from getting sick and BAMM, one day there is the devastating news that they have an incurable or devastating disease or disability.
Or you are afraid that your sweet heart may fall in love with someone else and you are getting jealous if they even talk with someone that has the wrong gender. Trying to watch every move and interaction.
By doing this you are setting the very thing in motion, that you are trying to avoid. You energetically start to push them away and by thinking about the undesired outcome you are starting to bring it into your life. This is how the law of attraction truly works.
Without the attachment you would be able to enjoy your partner or really anything within your life. Seeing the beauty of them or it. Enjoying the now moment (which is the only moment there truly is) and having fun with everything and everyone.
Enjoying the love that you both share. Enjoying every single moment without any expectation on how it has to be and how it has to look like. Enjoying them for who they truly are.
Can you Feel the Difference?
In the first scenario everything feels confined, there is a lot of control, expectations and have to dos with no real joy or fun, as you are afraid that everything could be taken away on a whim, and this would be devastating to you. You are fully anchored in survival mode, which is only truly the survival of the mind or rather the ego, as you in your expanded states are eternal anyway.
In the second scenario there is a lot of fun and enjoyment. There is no holding on to the other, everyone feels free, welcomed and loved. They feel honored and they know they are loved for who they truly are. You are enjoying your time together and know that everything always happens for the highest good of everyone concerned.
If something really has to come to an end, it is always for a greater good and it always happens because there is something better for everyone in store.
Living in Creation as Creation Was Created to Be
This is living from the heart without attachment. And it really makes things very simple. Because you are coming from a place that has you enjoy everything in your life with all of your heart. Nothing is taken for granted, there is no entitlement, no need, no control. You see the beauty in everything.
There is so much more to life than living in that tiny little box called survival, society’s conditioning and mass consciousness - that keeps you always repeating the same old patterns.
We all came here to express ourselves, to create, to expand and to have fun together with no confinement, boxes and limitations!
A Huge Leap Into Your Eternal Presence
I know that this is a huge leap and it sure takes a lot of courage. I know this, because Monika and I have done it ourselves.
It feels like you have to leave and lose everything you know and walk into the unknown. It feels like jumping off a cliff, without knowing what you find down there.
But what you are really doing by letting go of all the attachment and need to control, is that you are truly jumping into yourself and the whole Universe. You are surrendering your little me to the big me. Opening up the whole Universe for yourself and much more.
You probably are thinking now: So I really have to give up everything and start from scratch?
This is not what I am saying. You do not really have to give up everything. What you have to give up is your attachment to people, things and outcomes.
I take myself as an example: If my heart would tell me today to pack my stuff. I would leave my home and everything else behind and would never look back. I would not waste a single thought to what I have perceptively ‘lost’, as I fully know that the Universe has something much better in store for me.
I love and enjoy all the conveniences, possessions and gadgets I do have now, and I enjoy them with all of my heart. Yet - I would be giving it up without a second thought if my higher levels and the Universe were asking me to do so.
Even if that would be equating in having to live in a hut or tent with only the bare minimum to live on for the time being. I would still put my heart into everything I do, because I would know that this was happening for the my highest good and the highest good of all concerned.
I am not writing this to scare you. I fully know that something like this is never going to happen, because we created the new paradigm and the new energy to finally get rid of the need to have to go without.
In the new paradigm we finally will be able to enjoy everything, and I mean literally EVERY THING. With no agendas, no power games, no control. Just expressing who we truly are with an open heart coming from our essence that is true purity and love.
And a big part of being able to step into the new paradigm is to let go of all of your attachment, and I really mean ALL!
This is a process that will take time – so please don’t be harsh with yourself. This is not a race and everyone will arrive. No one is left behind.
The first and most important step is to become aware of your attachments. Just notice them, watch them and then re-decide.
The recording I have created will assist you to let go of attachment.
Let go of any expectations. If you do something, do it with all of your heart without expecting any outcome. If you do, then become aware of it and consciously let go of the expectation.
And really… if you don’t have any expectations it’s nearly impossible to become attached to something or someone.
By doing this you literally stop giving your power away to the outside world and it becomes impossible for others to control you or get a hold on you.
Letting go of attachment has nothing to do with losing everything. It is quite the contrary actually. With no attachment to anything you are able to see everything for what it is, enjoy it as that and you are wide open to receive all the gifts the Universe has in store for you.
Letting Go of Attachment
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 2. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.