- in Abundance
Releasing Habits That No Longer Serve

Releasing Habits That No Longer Serve
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price Only $11.11
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Releasing Habits That No Longer Serve
I love how all of this is so much interconnected. The more issues we tackle with this series, the more obvious it becomes.
And it also shows how much conditioning there really is in society and how we have been programmed and put into boxes that are way too small for us.
The first thought for many of you when you think about habits is probably something like this: Well, habits are certainly a good thing. Without habits we would live in utter chaos with nothing to guide us along the way…
Or something along these lines.
Very often creating a new habit is a good thing. For example, you have had a very sedentary lifestyle and now you are starting to get yourself into the habit of creating a habit of doing exercise routines a few times a week…
Or you don’t like getting up early, but there is not enough time in the day to get everything done you want and need to do. So, you decide to pick up the habit to get up an hour early, so you will be able to get everything done without getting totally stressed out…
This is not what I am addressing here or with the accompanying frequency recording. Today I am addressing habits that are destructive to your health and well-being, habits that have created a pattern that is limiting you, or habits that do not or no longer serve you.
The above are certainly examples, where creating a new habit is a very beneficial thing and will create positive change within your life for a time…
Until they become a habit that constricts and confines you. Because the mind is so used to holding on to a habit or pattern, it likes to repeat it forever.
A habit is only good thing, as long as it is given the room to grow and expand with you and your lifestyle and to be adjusted the only constant that is always changing… YOU!
Most of us, and I have to admit that I have seen that in my own life as well until I become aware of it, create a habit and stay with it without ever varying anything, expanding or changing it.
Humans are creatures of habit. I have heard and read that probably a million times.
We are hearing or reading this all the time, so it must be the truth – Right?
I have asked myself – why are we supposed to be creatures of habit???
The answer is pretty simple: If we are following patterns and certain habits, we will never have the idea to claim our own power, take responsibility for our life and step out of mass consciousness and societal programming and see the magnificence of who each of us uniquely truly is.
Because this way, we are easier to control. Much like cows or sheep that are herded around.
Let’s create a habit of needing some kind of relaxation after a full day’s work to reward yourself – ideally some alcohol or junk food or your favorite TV series, for many it might even be excessive exercising. Very quickly you are creating a habit to give your power away to these things.
Because they have the perceived power to make you feel better or at least a certain way and they sure help you to run away from yourself. So you don’t have to face how you are truly feeling about your life and yourself.
I have done this myself plenty of times during my life. Especially in the early part of my life. Where I went down a road of drowning how I felt about society, myself and my life in a few beers in a pub with some friends nearly every night.
Until an inner voice told me that I have to stop, or I would end up somewhere I certainly wouldn’t want to end up. A voice that was so gentle and loving that it is barely heard by most. Luckily for myself, this voice was always very audible for me, although I unfortunately ignored it plenty of times in my life to my own detriment…
Habits and patterns, by most, unconsciously are used as a means of running away from having to face yourself and your fears.
I, for myself have completely stopped repeating things in a habitual manner. I don’t have a set time I wake up. I might eat breakfast, or I might not. I will eat when I am hungry, not when I am told that it is time to eat.
Today I may take a certain route into town, tomorrow I drive the other road. One day I will work during the day, the other day I will start working late afternoon into the night. I might work on a Sunday and take Monday off.
Doing this has provided a lot of freedom to me. It lets me create my own rhythm and dance to my own drum. It takes me out of time and space and it helps me to stay in a state of IS-ness and seeing things for what they truly are.
Of course, most of you probably have a day to day job and simply will not be able to do this to the extent I am doing it.
I too do have these chop wood and carry water activities as well and I certainly do honor them. I will always show up for appointments and honor my agreements.
But why not start with a few small things, especially when something has become a pattern you are continually repeating. Why not spice it up a bit and change things around. Expand them and let them grow with you.
Look at your habits and ask yourself how you feel about them. How you REALLY feel about them – and then start to make some changes. Start with small things and scale them up as you become much more comfortable with it.
The more you do it the freer you will become and feel – I promise.
Releasing Habits That No Longer Serve
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
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