- in Abundance
Releasing Guilt

Releasing Guilt
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price Only $11.11
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Releasing Guilt
Feeling guilty is normal… This is quite a statement, isn't it?
But really - just take a few deep breaths to fully come back into yourself and take a few moments to contemplate this.
How often in your life have you felt guilty? Guilty in a sense of not having done enough, not having been a good … daughter/husband/wife (just fill in the blanks), not having been kind enough, not taking care enough of the ones in your family that are 'weak' and need your help.
We grow up in a society that gives us a lot of standards, rules, ideals, how things should be, how we should be and behave, etc.
If we don't live up to all of this, we are taught to feel guilty. And fulfilling all of the above is basically impossible.
So, who exactly is setting all these standards and rules?
You may have guessed right. Once again, these are set by society and institutions that are still run by the mind and its misperception of power, lack and conditional love.
When you are living a mind based life, the love that you give and receive is always conditional. You are a good person, when you do what the other(s) want or expect from you and you are a bad person, when you don’t. And because the other person is disappointed, you should feel guilty because you don’t fit into their box and should try better next time.
It’s really funny, because more often than not, they do not communicate what they want from you, so you should be able to read their mind or guess what they are thinking. It’s like the famous walk on eggshells.
And as long as you are buying all of the rules they have made up and try to fit into and play in their sandbox and their survival game, they are getting what they want - your power. Although this can only be always just temporary, as no one can really take anyone's power away.
A huge part of the guilt game is very simple and there is always the victim/weak one and the one that is supposed to comfort them, carry them and ideally take up all their burdens, so they can comfortably stay in their little box and survive until finally one day they will die without having really lived.
It can be seen in schools, government, families and literally everywhere.
A great example for this is the old, ‘helpless’ mom or dad, who is expecting you to carry them for the rest their life, because they have given you your life. They unconsciously want to give their power away to you, as they are not aware that they have created this situation for themselves and not you.
They are the creators of their lives, just as you are. Unconsciously they are playing a huge power game with you. Putting you into a position to sacrifice your life for them and take the all of their burdens for them.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t care about your loved ones - to the contrary. I am saying that we do what is best in the situation for EVERYONE concerned. Without sacrificing and carrying anybody, but with great compassion and unconditional love.
So many give away their power to institutions, governments and even their family. Because this is the way it has always been, so it is repeated forever, without really questioning anything.

The reason for this again, is the mind, with its perceptions, judgements and all the polarization. And its inherent need to find flaw in everything, especially yourself and the world/people around you.
The mind sees lack everywhere, it sees imperfection everywhere it goes and from this perspective, feeling guilty is inevitable.
The solution to stop feeling guilty about all of the above is very simple, as all universal truths are. Step out of your mind and into your heart, where the True You resides.
Living a life based on the mind’s perceptions will keep you in the feeling guilty loop forever…
Until you drop your consciousness into your heart center (the portal to your higher levels and the Universe) and start to feel your presence.
Until you take a step back and from this place of feeling your presence and your connection to the whole Universe, and you start to see things from an overview…
Until you start to see the beauty and perfection in everyone and everything…
Until you start to see that they are just as perfect as you are and that there are no flaws in the Universe, only misperceptions…
Until you see that everyone is exactly where they need to be on their journey and that no one can 'save' them, but only they can do it themselves.
You can certainly walk beside them and assist them to see things more clearly, to start to realize their true power and their connection to All That Is.
But only if they ask for it…
Realization will never come from the outside. It truly is an inside job, as everything you are looking for is already inside you, ready to be re-discovered.
Isn't it time to let go of feeling guilty? Isn't it time to start to live from the heart, claiming your own power and perfection.
Giving your best and that is always enough.
Using the mind as the tool that it was created for and the body as the magnificent vehicle for your own divine essence.
If everyone would start to live from the heart and be the Love that they are right here, right now - this planet would instantly become Heaven on Earth.
Because Love Can Not Hurt and It Only Sees Perfection.
Releasing Guilt
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.