- in Abundance
Releasing Rejection

Releasing Rejection
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price Only $11.11
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Releasing Rejection
Rejection is another big one.
There are many kinds and levels of rejection and as we are living in a society together with others, rejection is something that simply can not be avoided.
It can be something as small as a dislike on Facebook and ends with feeling or being excluded by the ones you love and/or adore.
It has been discovered by scientists that rejection activates exactly the same region that is related to pain and as we are taught from early on that pain is bad and comfort is good of course this is something that has to be avoided like the plague – says the mind…
This is why the mind goes haywire when someone is rejecting us or something we do, wear, how we look like etc.
The mind likes to go into drama mode and plays out all sorts of scenarios. Things that have happened in the past, how alone you might have felt, how separate, etc. It likes to go into panic mode and imagine that you might be totally alone in the future with nobody wanting to talk to you any more.
So to the mind it the solution is to play the roles that it thinks are appropriate that we will never be rejected… Which is actually impossible, because there is no way you can make it right for everyone, no matter how hard you might try.
To stop all this mind chatter and worst-case scenarios – the solution is very simple again. You drop into your heart center, let the mind be the mind and live in the NOW moment. The only moment there really is.
There is a simple reason why you should be doing this. First, as always, it connects you to your presence and to who your truly are and it takes you out of all the boxes the mind wants to put you in.
The heart knows exactly what is best for you and it will bring to you the people that want to connect with you, because you are you and not because you are representing something they think they want to see.
The people that will walk side by side with you and will never reject you.
Rejection – Something To Be Avoided No Matter What?
Each and everyone human just wants one thing, to be loved. To achieve that or at least to be accepted I have watched countless people do nearly everything to be accepted by others.
This means they change their hats everywhere they go. Trying to fit into the different groups and fulfilling what seems to be expected there.
The funny thing is that mostly everyone is repeating the behavior that they have seen by others, assuming that this is the right thing to do and that’s how they have to be.
It starts with gender roles end ends with personal relationships. For eons men/women did certain things and behaved a certain way and therefore that is just how it has to be.
If a man behaves differently they are usually rejected, ridiculed and branded as an outsider by other men and even women. Again, just because nobody questions things (thankfully that is changing now with the new paradigm/new Earth energy).
In the old paradigm to be accepted by groups you had to behave like they did, otherwise you were rejected. I know exactly what I am talking about here, as I was born into a female body, but having no interest in the stuff females usually do.
Hanging out with other girls would usually bore me to death and they would reject me because I was different and had no interest in playing with what they were playing with or later on with all the make up and other ‘womanly’ things.
Hanging out and trying to play with boys I always had to prove myself and be better than them to be accepted, because of course I was ‘just’ a girl.
In the new paradigm this is changing. This is why you see so many transgender people and gays nowadays that are now coming out.
It is not that this is new, it has always been the case that men didn’t feel like doing ‘manly’ things, or women doing ‘feminine’ tasks, they just didn’t have the courage to stand in their truth and tell everyone. For the fear of being rejected or in the olden days being cast out or even worse.
These dense energies are now thankfully moving out, giving everyone the opportunity to be who they are and do what they enjoy doing. Not based on gender, ethnicity or how it has always been.
Letting go of the fear of rejection is pivotal at this point in human history. It gives you the freedom to be who you are and to not have to put yourself in certain boxes or take on certain identities.
By being who you are and not being a certain way, just because someone else expects it and they can feel comfortable, you in turn give everyone around you the permission to do the same. Showing them a way out of the density into light-being-ness.
Isn’t it time to let go of the fear of rejection and go out and be who you are? Emanating your loving presence to the world, opening your heart with nothing to hide or pretend.
Is it really so important to be accepted by everyone?
What if you are rejected for a job you have applied for, because you showed them who your really are, being honest and standing in your power with an open heart?
In a situation like this, even if the mind will feel hurt by the rejection. We need to step back and look at it from an overview.
Having been rejected from a place of being in your heart and showing them who you truly are, not someone you think they will expect to see, just means that this job wasn’t a good fit for you. They weren’t ready for someone that stands in their truth and has nothing to hide. It means, that there is something much better out there for you.
Being rejected is something that will happen, and it has nothing to do with your worth or you not being good enough or whatever your perception of your faults will be.
It has to do with the fact that the other party has judgements and prejudices that have nothing to do with you. These are their problem and if you don’t fit into their picture of how you have to look like or behave like, and this is why they reject you – don’t you think that you are way better off without them in your life?
Do your really want to have to play certain roles and take on certain identities for different people that have nothing to do with who you truly are and that put you in boxes you don’t fit in?
Or isn’t it much easier to just be who you really are, not your ego or any perceived personality, but the magnificent, divine being and creator that came here to express itself and enjoy all of creation.
In a body on a planet without holding back…

Releasing Rejection
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
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