Heartfelt Gratitude

Heartfelt Gratitude
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from feeling and experiencing heartfelt gratitude. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist to with this.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Heartfelt Gratitude
There is so much information and advice on gratitude and how important it is to be grateful out there, that some of you are probably already getting tired to hear about it yet again.
In the context of most of what is taught and written about it, I would call myself someone that doesn’t play this gratitude game at all. I have never written a gratitude list and I probably never will.
Isn’t it very important to keep yourself reminded about being grateful for what you have?
Yes and No…
The way most people approach this, goes something like this: They take a pen and paper and then they sit down to THINK about what they are grateful for.
And the context is almost always around how grateful they are for their clothes, food, their home/apartment, having a bed to sleep in and so on. Some may even go as far as to be grateful for their family and/or their partner and friends.
And don’t get me wrong, this is a wonderful start to get yourself at least into a space where you can see that there are a lot of things that you can be grateful for and it shows you that your life isn’t as bad as your mind might be perceiving it to be. It is a start to see things for what they really are and pull yourself out of the every day drudgery so to speak.
But yet, it truly has nothing to do with HEARTFELT gratitude.
I highly encourage everyone to write a gratitude list if they feel called to do so. I feel it is a wonderful start to welcome in your own presence and really start to feel that there is so much to be grateful for.
But the things that I am feeling heartfelt gratitude for, will probably not even make it into the list of many, because most of humanity is still on a level of consciousness that is taking these most magical and wondrous things for granted without seeing the magnificence in them.
I personally couldn’t care less about my shoes, my clothes, my car and most things that so many believe they need to be grateful for. If I don’t have shoes, I just walk barefoot or find something else. If there are no clothes – well, everyone would be naked, right? And it would be normal.
It is wonderful to have all those things, but do you really want to let yourself be defined or identify with all this material stuff and things that can be easily replaced?
What about feeling the amazement and heartfelt gratitude of being able to be in a body on a planet. This amazing and wondrous organism that works all by itself and that doesn’t need your continuous attention to function and fulfill its purpose?
With the heart pumping and the blood flowing without you having to take care of it. With all the organs, bones and tissues working together flawlessly, if you let them? With its wonderful ability to regenerate all by itself if not interfered by the mind?
What about all the natural wonders the Earth has to offer. The magnificent sunsets for your eyes to behold. All the awe-inspiring nature, animals, elements and weather patterns and all the wonders of this Earth that are there for you to witness and most importantly – and that is why the body was created in first place – for you to explore. To go on adventures and to create.
What about the heartfelt gratitude to be able to have feelings (which wouldn’t be possible without a body) and to interact with others and to create and co-create within this body.
What about the heartfelt gratitude of being able to take a breath of air and light particles, that nurtures your body and most importantly yourself?
I could carry on with this for a very long time. Unfortunately, our human mind perceives all of this for granted and normal, but it is not.
Every day on in a body on this planet is a miracle in itself and something to be encountered in awe of all the awesomeness – just like a child does - with heartfelt gratitude, as this is the cutting edge of creation and something to be enjoyed and appreciated wholeheartedly.
Because without a body on a planet you just are - and everything just is.
Heartfelt Gratitude
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from feeling and experiencing heartfelt gratitude. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist to with this.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.