Become Healthy, Whole and Complete Within Yourself

Elke Neher is not a psychologist, physician, or other licensed health care provider. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. With your purchase you agree to the medical disclaimer. View full medical disclaimer.
Become Healthy, Whole and Complete Within Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from becoming Healthy, Whole and Complete within yourself. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to help you to step more fully into your own unique magnificent being-ness, becoming healthy, whole and complete within yourself.
This recording is part of the Living from the Heart Volume 5. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a product.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Become Healthy, Whole and Complete
Within Yourself
Becoming healthy, whole and complete within themselves is very scary for many. As they are very afraid, what deep dark hidden secrets they might find inside, they keep running away from themselves as far as they possibly can.
They run from one magic pill or solution that promises to instantaneously make their lives better. From one healer promising instant healing without them themselves having to do anything, to the other.
Always on the lookout for salvation outside of themselves. Looking for something or someone that will save them, take them out of their misery and make them whole again.
Some fairy that will wave its wand or some magic that will teleport them to some sacred or promised land or even guide them home (whatever that imaginary home might look like for them).
Where everything they perceivable need is provided for and nobody needs to do anything. Everyone just sits around and plays the harp all day long or something along those lines.
Where angels or other beautiful beings are around them and they can frolic all day long. Just waving their hands and magically everything will be provided for.
The above or similar scenarios are what many have in mind (and the highlight here is truly on the word mind, as all of this is mind based and can not be further from the truth) when they think about ascension, the heavens or the plane where all of us are originating from, called home. Our true home, the place where all creation began.
All of this is a search outside of ourselves. There seems to be always someone that is more evolved, more connected, has more knowledge or more perceivable power.
To many it seems that these self-proclaimed gurus have found THE WAY. The way home to where those searching for it can feel healthy, whole and complete again. Where everything is magical and blissful, where there are no worries and there is no separation.
And most of these teachings tell us that we have somehow fallen from grace, that we have lost the way at some point on this journey or whatever the case may be.
I am not talking about asking for real assistance and guidance that leaves them empowered, and then taking responsibility for their actions and creations.
I am talking about the giving their power away to some outside source in the hopes that they will somehow fix it for them. Hoping they don’t need to change anything within themselves. That somehow everything and everyone outside will magically change without them having to do anything.
In many cases the solution these gurus offer is again something outside of ourselves. We are told that we need to heal all our wounds, traumas and what not, so our inner child can be healed and that somehow this will make us whole and complete again.
Don’t get me wrong here. All of these modalities have their place and it is an important step on this journey of self realization. It will help you to realize that there is much more than the ego mind and all of its games and its self-proclaimed importance.
But there are some flaws in all of this. Most of these modalities first of all are based outside of yourself, you are giving away your power to some outside source.
Releasing all of the gunk is a beautiful thing and very important - but most, if not all of it will come up all by itself to be looked at and addressed when the time is right, without you having to go look for it.
Secondly – after a certain time of doing any of these modalities, the universe will bring you even more of that stuff, that you are trying to get rid of into your life, as it seems to the universe that you are enjoying this game immensely. So, from a certain point on, it is like a cat or dog chasing its own tail.
Which is a great game up to a certain point… The point when it is starting to get old. When you start to see that you are running around in an endless circle, trying to better and fix yourself (which in truth is only a mind/ego game anyways).
Releasing, healing and whatever you have been doing… Just to see that there is even more of this stuff around the corner that needs to be fixed and healed again and again.
Until you realize that you can not find salvation outside of yourself. That there is no angel that will come down and lift you up into some unknown, blissful dimension.
That only you can do it yourself and that everything you need is already there inside you. It is right there within your heart. Patiently waiting for you to get your own attention.
Patiently waiting for you to realize that home is not some place or dimension outside of yourself. Some place that you need to escape to from this earthly plane that sometimes (or for most people more often than not) seems so dreadful.
That home is already there right within your heart, waiting for you to bring it here. Waiting for you to open your heart, let go of your ego and all the belief systems.
Waiting for you to realize the truth of who you truly are and to bring that into this earthly existence. Waiting for you to let go of all the ego-based filters and all the games and boxes that come with it.
Waiting for you to drop into your heart, let go of all the mind games and to spread your wings once again. Starting to soar within your own magnificence.
Waiting for you to realize that you already are healthy, whole and complete within yourself and that you don’t NEED anybody or anything to be complete, setting yourself free to completely enjoy and dance with everyone around you without attachment.
Waiting for you to realize that home is already here, always has been and that you have never left it…
Elke Neher is not a psychologist, physician, or other licensed health care provider. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. With your purchase you agree to the medical disclaimer. View full medical disclaimer.
Become Healthy, Whole and Complete Within Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from becoming Healthy, Whole and Complete within yourself. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to help you to step more fully into your own unique magnificent being-ness, becoming healthy, whole and complete within yourself.
This recording is part of the Living from the Heart Volume 5. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.