Author Archives: Elke
Letting True Love Into Your Life
Want to go deeper? Book a 1 on 1 session with Elke here:
Today I would like to talk about how to let true love into your life.
First of all let us take a few deep breaths in through your nose down into the abdomen and into lower body. On the out-breath let go of all the weight that is pulling on you and all the stresses of the day.
Bringing You back into you and into the present moment. Starting to feel your presence and letting your heart open.
Feeling more and more of yourself and the love that you are.
Nearly every person on this beautiful planet is looking and longing for true love coming into their life. They are searching for the person that complements them and makes them whole. The person that makes them happy, so they can feel complete again.
Of course - this is one of the most beautiful things that can be experienced on this planet. Having someone that you love deeply with all your heart and they love you back just as much. Feeling that deep connection within your heart to a most beautiful presence that you call your beloved.
Having someone to share anything and everything with without holding back and pretending to be someone or something that you are not. Being accepted and loved unconditionally for who you are and feeling held by this beautiful love. At the same time returning this love with all your heart.
Feeling this deep love within you, this connection – yet at the same time knowing that you can still be who you are and live your life the way you enjoy and at the same time letting them have the freedom to do and be the same. This is one of the reasons that most of us came here to the planet, to have this connection with a most precious dear one while at the same time staying true to oneself.
Yet when I watch the world, I see that many are putting a very detailed request out to the universe, painting a picture of how exactly this beloved should look like. They want them to look a certain way, be a certain age, behave a certain way, have a certain amount of money and so on and so on, so they can feel comfortable. This person then is supposed to fill all the emptiness that they feel within them and make them happy.
At the same time, they are trying to get themselves and their body to look like and behave a certain way society is telling them they should look like and behave, so they can be desirable for their counterpart.
If you feel into the above with me for a moment… How restrictive and confining does that feel? How unnatural does that feel?

With all these rules and restrictions and wanting it to be a certain way they are restricting the natural flow of love. What if the beloved of the heart looks different of doesn’t fulfill some of these requirements? Most likely they will dismiss the person and miss out on the love of their lives.
Even going into a relationship with so many or even any requirements puts a lot of pressure on each partner from the beginning. Each of the parties try to be something/something they are not and unconsciously feel boxed in. In most cases co-dependency develops and even if the love is there in the beginning, it will die a slow and steady death that is caused by all the have to’s and it’s got to be a certain way.
Can you be so bold to love and honor yourself so much, to open your heart and let more and more of your presence, your essence in. Filling all the emptiness within you. Letting yourself be healthy, whole and complete again within your own right and your own being-ness and then welcoming in your beloved of heart.
Can you be so bold and trust yourself and the universe so much to let your true self know that you are ready for a true relationship of the heart, without adding any requirements or conditions and then letting it go, continuing your life with an open heart, feeling the love that you are within your heart, meeting and enjoying everyone you meet without any judgement and having fun with them. Connecting with them from the heart and letting them be who they are?
Watch how quick true love will find its way into your life and the love will only continue to grow…
Thank you for being here and being you my friends.
I love you all,
Want to go deeper? Book a 1 on 1 session with Elke here: