Author Archives: Elke

Clearing the Overwhelm and Fear of Debt
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Clearing the Overwhelm and Fear of Debt
When I created the recording 'Clearing the Overwhelm and Fear of Debt', which is part of the Unveil Your Mastery Series and the Abundance package, I began thinking about what this recording does and what it should do.
Finally, a recording to help you to get rid of your fear of debt and the overwhelm related to it, right?
You might be thinking - oh that's great, a recording that takes away my fear and overwhelm related to debt. I just listen to it and then I can go out and buy more stuff and create some more debt, without any fear or overwhelm!
I purposefully exaggerated the statement above for a reason. Because that was exactly what I was initially thinking. That some people will take the recording, listen to it so they can blissfully ignore the debt that is already there and then go out and get themselves into more debt without anything holding them back.
Thinking that by ignoring their situation and having good thoughts about it, the situation will somehow resolve by itself.
Unfortunately, I have to tell you, that is not how it works.
The recording is designed to take you out of the fear and overwhelm of debt, so you can take a step back and look at the situation from an overview. Bringing you into a state where you will be able to face your debt situation without the emotions involved.
If you are in a situation where you have too much debt, it helps you to honestly look at the situation, so you can evaluate your options without being overwhelmed. You will then be able to take focused action to resolve the situation.
Fortunately, most people listening are not facing bankruptcy or something similar. In this case the recording will help you to get rid of any fear or overwhelm with regards to debt.
It will assist you to take a step back and look at any financing and other offers that involve going into debt from an overview. So you will be able to make purchase decisions from a state of wisdom rather than just looking at those very tempting offers and then buying on a whim.
For the last decade or so financing purchases has become the norm, rather then being the exception. Cars, homes and some items that are on the more expensive side, like TVs, furniture, etc. are often advertised as monthly payments rather than showing the full amount the item would cost. Because it sure is easier to buy an item that is just another 20 bucks a week. Who can't afford 20 bucks a week? Right?
But the truth and the reality of it is that those 20 bucks quickly add up, and before you know it you are scrambling to pay all your debts. You end up in the metaphoric hamster wheel, having to work and earn money just to be able to pay all your bills. Hardly being able to enjoy yourself and your life.
Nearly everyone in our society has experience with going into debt. It is quite normal to borrow money and often it is necessary, if you pursue a goal, e.g. to study, to build a business, or to buy a home.
And normally there is nothing scary about it. But sometimes, when you have to spend money unexpectedly, or when you are carelessly spending too much, things can get out of control and you slip into a state of fear, which makes everything much worse and sometimes it might even paralyze you.
It creates a pandemonium of negative emotions like hate (about the situation), dread (of the next bill or phone call), fear (of going out and encountering one of the creditors chasing you to get their money) and stress, because things seem to be out of control.
These emotions are the greatest obstacle to look at your situation from an overview and to take focused action. It fills your head with worst-case scenarios that MIGHT happen (and in most cases, will actually never happen). It may even rob you of the comfort of a good night's sleep.
It holds you back and keeps you captive, preventing you from doing anything that might help to resolve the situation. But one thing that you need to accept is that doing nothing just continues the spiral of things getting worse and worse.
Taking positive action is the first and most important step to get out of debt. It is the starting point of a journey. It will take its time and you will grow with it and in the end, you will be much more free, confident and happy.
My Recording will help you to release the fears, but you still need to be honest with yourself, face these situations and take positive action.
Many define their self worth on their possessions or achievements. So, they must stay in a pattern of debt and buying ever more new and better things to feel better and to be acknowledged by society as a 'worthy' member.
Cutting back or admitting failure will ultimately shatter their self worth, so they must stay in the pattern of having to perform to be worthy. Ultimately letting possessions and the outside world control them.
The recording will help you to release these patterns and belief systems as well.
You are worthy just by being you. You are magnificent just by being here on this Earth. Do not let anything or anyone dictate what you should do or how you should be!
Make a fun game out of it and explore, instead of letting material things define your worth and who you are.
Look at it like starting a new way of eating that will bring you closer to optimum health. Like eating the wrong foods can keep you from being healthy, maybe too many material possessions and certainly too much debt can keep you from living a happy and joyful life.
Start by asking yourself what you really want, don't let yourself be influenced by commercials and what society tells you to want. Find out what would bring YOU real joy.
Imagine how amazing it would be to live with little or no debt.
And please always remember that your skill to handle finances says absolutely nothing about who you truly are, it has nothing to do with your unique worthiness.
So why not face your fears? Why not have the courage and sit down with your bills and start to make a plan? Go and get some help or advice if necessary.
Take focused positive action and never let your fear or overwhelm dictate your behavior and who you are.

Clearing the Overwhelm and Fear of Debt
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.