Author Archives: Elke
Feeling Worthy to Receive
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
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Feeling Worthy to Receive
The first question that I have to ask you here is the following: What does being worthy mean to you?
Please take a few deep breaths to bring yourself into the now moment, maybe take a pen and a paper and write down what it means for you to be worthy to receive before going any further.
From early on we are always judged by our performance, actions, deeds, behaviors etc. Only if we fulfill a certain standard that has been set by someone or even at some point by society, we are worthy to receive – either we are being praised, getting paid, are accepted into a group, or whatever the requirement that has to be fulfilled might be.
To be worthy to receive love, we are required to fulfill the expectations of the other person and ideally of course they will try to meet our expectations, so we and they can feel safe.
Where are YOU in all of this? Where is YOUR uniqueness in all of this?
We get lost in trying to fulfill standards that have been set by someone. Our true essence is standing back and being lost in all of this.
I often ask myself – who is setting those standards?
More often than not these standards are set by governments, religions, big companies and people in power, that want you to stay small. They do not want you to claim your own power and your own sovereignty, thus trying to create systems that keep you scrambling to fulfill some lofty goal, standard, trying to fit in and to be successful. Successful by humanities and societies standards.
When we grow up we are taught that graduating high school and going to college to get a high paying job is something we need to achieve to be worthy. If we don’t have those papers, we are somehow unworthy.
After we have achieved these goals, the next one is to make lots of money, be successful in our jobs, even if the bore us to death. Buy ever bigger and more expensive cars, get a big mansion, have the newest and most expensive gadgets.
Somehow these things are making us worthy and they define our value
The funny thing is, that these goals never stop. There will always be a newer and better car, a bigger house and more money to make, or even better – much more debt to get into to get those things sooner.
Can you see how you are being kept running in circles, never truly being in the now moment. Always chasing some lofty goal someone else has set for you. Never taking a breath and feeling into your true presence – the I Am.
The I Am Worthy No Matter What… Being worthy just for being here on this planet. Being worthy just for being you…

Nothing to achieve, nothing to push or pull, just being and enjoying your own presence, opening up to all that you are and more.
Taking a breath and asking yourself what YOU truly enjoy. Opening your heart to yourself and the Universe and following your heart’s prompts.
Trusting that the Universe will take care of you (it always will). Taking a breath and knowing that you are here to enjoy and express who you truly are. Giving your best, and that is always enough.
That, my dear friends, is true worthiness - it is true value. The value of an open heart and the courage of not needing to fit in. Fitting in to something you never will fit in anyways, as it is a construct of people who see others as sheep or cattle to be herded. People who do not see the equality in everyone and everything, misguided by a false sense of power, a false sense of worth.
So why don’t you dare to claim your own worth and stop buying into the fictitious constructs of a few dear ones, that do not want you to step into your power and claim your own pristine worth – that is nothing but priceless. The pricelessness of the Divine Being incarnate that you are.
And now you can go through the list you wrote down at the beginning and let go of all those polarized beliefs and judgements. Waving good bye to every single one of them. Knowing that you are priceless.
Opening up to be more than worthy to receive everything the Universe has to offer to you and only you. Because the Universe always adores you, no matter what.
Feeling Worthy to Receive
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.