Author Archives: Elke
Letting Go of Blame
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
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Letting Go of Blame
Many people tend to blame other people, circumstances, the weather for anything and everything. This means nothing else but giving your power away to some outside forces.
The accompanying recording will help you to release all the layers within your subconscious and your cells.
When we blame others, we act like others could be able to make us feel a certain way. This is actually not possible, as there is always something within you that needs to be addressed when you feel triggered by someone or something.
Blaming others or circumstances is just another way of running away from yourself and giving your power away to the outside, so you don’t have to look inward.
In other words: if others don´t behave as expected, I feel bad and I am blaming them for not behaving in the way I expect it. It´s just another way to not take responsibility to your own feelings and behaviors.
So, to get out of that, we start to let go of our expectations and begin to see things for what they truly are. Thereby taking away the power to make you feel in a certain way.
For example, if there is a co-worker who wants to play a power game and you wants you to go into competition mode with them. The normal behaviour is to play this game and to compete. The outcome is that they are blaming you for the situation, how they feel and you probably blame them as well, because you don´t feel good, either.
Instead of playing this game we could start to express our feelings and communicate openly with the others and this way we avoid playing in their little sandbox, are expressing our truth and most importantly feel good about ourselves, because we are not hiding behind a mask.
The main thing here is to express yourself and thereby you give the others the permission to do the same. Most of the time we don´t communicate in a constructive way and just act and re-act, instead of interacting.
I have seen so many people expect the person they interact with to know their feelings without actually telling them! Expecting them to know what they think and act accordingly. Isn´t that kind of backwards?

And then, when the other(s) are not able to read their thoughts and don’t know what is expected of them, they become emotional, blaming the others for behaving in an egoistic manner!
So, the thing is to become aware that these emotions are only your mind´s perceptions and that nobody and nothing can make you feel a certain way. It is about learning to see things for what they are, without putting any charge into it and then see how the situation can be improved in a constructive way.
Even if you feel bad, because it´s raining: Think about something that could make you feel better. Maybe a hot bath or sitting on the couch with a nice book. This way you can say - "Hey it´s raining, but I make the best out of it!" This is taking responsibility for what you do or how you feel.
And then you will see that you have much more power over things and situations then you ever imagined. Because it is always YOU who makes you feel happy or unhappy. You are always free to change your situation or how you feel!
Other people have their own problems, fears, dramas. If you don´t tell them about your feelings, they will never know. To keep relationships running, it is always crucial to tell others how you truly feel. In a nice way, of course, not in an abusive way.
Don´t assume that others know what you are thinking! And who doesn´t like to be told things like "I love you" or "I am happy just to be with you"?
To sum it up:
- Communication is the key
- Start seeing things for what they truly are. Most of the time it is not about you and it has nothing to do with you
- You are responsible for your feelings - nothing and nobody else.
Letting Go of Blame
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you purchase the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.