
Author Archives: Elke

Clearing the Fear of Loss – There is Always Enough

​Clearing the Fear of Loss

Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)

This is part of 
Abundance Series Volume ​3. ​(Save ​$$ when you buy the bundle)

Personal Use Only

​Price Only $11.11

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​Clearing the Fear of Loss

When I look at society and at the people around me there seems to be a constant fear of loss in the air.

The fear of losing the job, loved ones, financial stability, health, the mind and everything in between. Every single minute seems to be invested in trying to stay in control of all of the above.

Usually before they even finish their first coffee or tea in the morning, their mind will be so busy planning everything that needs to be taken care of, needs to be done to not lose anything and to not lose control, that most people are already feeling exhausted before their day really begins.

Because everybody does this and because of all the conditioning throughout society, hardly anybody seems to really question why they are doing this, and if all the material possessions and achievements that make you a good member of society are really worth doing all of this silly stuff.

Everybody tries to accumulate as many possessions, credentials, prestige, etc. as possible, just to end up in a position that when they have it, they start to fear to lose everything. In turn trying to accumulate even more and hold it even tighter, as all of this seems to be the end all, be all of modern society.

I find this very interesting and entertaining. Nobody really seems to enjoy their lives, enjoy being themselves and have fun playing together and creating.

I wonder where the fun is in all of this.

Everybody seems to be so worked up, stressed, looking for the next adrenaline rush or the next vacation where they can compete who can drink the most alcohol in the shortest amount of time, or have the most pleasure, that helps them to not have to face themselves and look into their deep dark hidden secrets and fears.

Fear of loss is nothing else than the mind trying to stay on top and in control. Its need to be better than and its need to survive. I wonder where YOU are in all of this???

Let’s look at this for what it really is and ask ourselves. What is there to lose?

If we look at it from a higher perspective, there is only one answer: Nothing!

You are an amazing, beautiful and majestic eternal being, currently residing in a body on a planet. The only thing that is real and can not be threatened.

The body is your vehicle and the mind is your tool to navigate this body. If you lose this body, it’s pretty simple. You pick up another one.

All the material possessions are beautiful tools and toys and they are wonderful while they last, but you don’t need them.

You have created them to make navigating and playing on this planet easier, more enjoyable and much more fun, but if they are gone, you as creator will simply create new tools and toys.

Losing someone you love is also not really possible, as they are eternal beings and creator incarnate, just like you are. You are always connected and communicating in your advanced states, even if you might not be aware of this during your lifetime(s) on this planet.

If we start to look at it from this perspective. The questions change from: How much can I accumulate and try to keep? How can I stay in control? How far can I run away from myself?

To: How much can I enjoy myself and others? How can we best complement, play and create together? How can we best grow, expand and have a blast, yet at the same time always honoring each other?

Enjoying everything while it lasts and then knowing that it ended because something better is in store and much more fun, love and creativity is to be had.

Would it really be so bad to let go of the fear of loss and live in a state of child-like play and creativity?

Knowing that the Universe always has your back.

​Clearing the Fear of Loss

Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)

This is part of 
Abundance Series Volume ​3. ​(Save ​$$ when you buy the bundle)

Personal Use Only

​Price Only $11.11

Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email. 

One is based on the mind, it is all about achieving, showing off, being 'better' than others and looking for abundance outside of you. It feels harsh and it is based on lack. Mainly because there is always something better or newer to have or to achieve.

The other is based on the heart, it comes from inside of you or is based on what is already given freely by the Universe. It feels warm, beautiful and there is nothing to achieve.

So why don't we base our abundance on these heart based values, instead of the mind based ones?

Real abundance starts from the inside, it begins with opening up to your inner abundance. An abundance that is not dependant on outside circumstances. It means opening the heart to the love that you are and that is all around you.

It is the simplicity of enjoying everything that is around you and connecting from the heart  with all the wonderful and diverse dear ones, animals and plants that share this beautiful planet with you.

It means following your intuition and the prompts that your heart (which is the connection to your higher levels and the Universe) give you. It means following your passion and putting your heart in everything you do.

Our expectations are a big obstacle to receive the gifts the Universe has to offer.
So why don't we base our abundance on these heart based values, instead of the mind based ones?

Abundance for so many ist to have a lot of money, driving an expensive car, owning a big mansion, being successfull and generally having all those material things, that are perceived to make you happy.

But what about the abundance of love, abundance of health, abundance of beautiful heartbased relationships (even the beloved of your heart), abundance of nature, abundance of joy and enjoyment?

Can you see and more importantly feel the difference between the two above?

One is based on the mind, it is all about achieving, showing off, being 'better' than others and looking for abundance outside of you. It feels harsh and it is based on lack. Mainly because there is always something better or newer to have or to achieve.

The other is based on the heart, it comes from inside of you or is based on what is already given freely by the universe. It feels warm, beautiful and there is nothing to achieve.

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