Author Archives: Elke
Forgiving Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from forgiving yourself. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of any beliefs with regards to this matter and so you can let yourself be embraced with the forgiveness of your higher self and the whole Universe that is all encompassing.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Forgiving Yourself
When we think about forgiveness, the mind quickly wants to go into the forgiving others part. As the mind wants to put everything outside of itself and your being-ness, it likes to put fault on everyone and everything else but not on itself.
It has a lot to do with seeing oneself as a victim. This is why so many focus on forgiving others as the means to find peace within themselves.
I am not saying that forgiving others is not conducive. It certainly has its place and very often it is a wonderful tool to release a lot of gunk that has been stored within you and it helps you to become more centered within yourself.
Many are missing the more important part of the equation though, which is forgiving oneself. Every single one of us has stored so much density and gunk within themselves because of this, that its not even funny.
The need to forgive others or even not being able to forgive others all begins within oneself. The simple reason for this is, that if you would not have anything stored within you that needs forgiveness, there simply wouldn’t be any events in the outside world, be it circumstances or others that ‘do’ things to you that you would feel the need to forgive.
Forgiveness always starts within oneself. If there wasn’t any belief system that tells you that you have done wrong, are not good enough, smart enough, you are too weak, too sensitive etc. – there wouldn’t be any outside circumstances that show you these very things, triggering the feelings associated with these beliefs time and time again.
You simply would know that it is not true and that these circumstances or the acting out of another have nothing to do with you. It is simply a reflection of their belief system and misperceptions.
Wouldn’t you say that is time to start forgiving yourself in a major way?
Hanging on to these limiting belief systems and accepting them as a reality is actually a statement that you are buying into these perceptions of not being good enough, smart enough and all the other mis-perceptions the ego-mind and mass consciousness try to feed to you.
You accept it as a reality, as a standard you are measuring yourself with. If you don’t hit that standard - Compared to WHAT? And who is even setting that standard?? – you are taught that you have failed, and you internalize it so you can beat yourself up time and time again in a misguided perception that you need to try harder next time.
And for what? To meet a standard that someone has set at some point, that might not even be true for you. That very often goes against your own unique expression of who you truly are.
These belief systems that you have internalized, that were fed to you and that you have bought into are what is hindering you from truly expressing who you are and what you deep within your heart know is the truth.
In a way, by accepting these belief systems as a reality and trying to meet these standards you are always fighting against yourself deep within yourself. Not being able to forgive yourself for not meeting those standards or fitting into what is perceived to be the norm.

By feeling not good enough, stupid, different or whatever the case may be, you are really fighting your own inner being, not forgiving yourself for not meeting the standard that has been put upon you, or that you (or rather your ego) might have bought into.
So why don’t you start to forgive yourself Right Here, Right Now?
Take a few (or even a lot) deep breaths to bring yourself back into your center, back into your own being-ness. Letting the outside world be what it is. Letting others be who they are and letting their beliefs be THEIR beliefs.
Feel your own consciousness deep within your heart center and start the sentence:
Complete the sentence with the first thought that comes up, it might even be a picture, a feeling, a knowingness. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Let the sentence be completed without contemplating.
Accept that this is something that you haven’t forgiven yourself and then let it go…
Let it go it to be transmuted into pure energy and pure consciousness again that now can come back to serve you in a much more benevolent way.
The more often you do this, the lighter you will feel. As you are actually releasing a lot of density, a lot of weight that holds you back from embodying and expressing who you truly are.
And as always, the recording accompanying this insight will make it a lot easier to forgive yourself and start freeing yourself from the shackles that have been put upon you.
Forgiving Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are holding you back from forgiving yourself. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of any beliefs with regards to this matter and so you can let yourself be embraced with the forgiveness of your higher self and the whole Universe that is all encompassing.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.