
Author Archives: Elke

Letting Go of Sacrifice

Letting Go of Sacrifice

Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.

In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you in pattern of self sacrifice. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of any beliefs with regards to this matter so you can let yourself be loved and embraced without having to sacrifice anything.

This recording is part of ​Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.

Personal Use Only

Price Only $15.00

Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email. 

​Letting Go of Sacrifice

Sacrifice is another big one and I can already feel some of you getting triggered.  Maybe you will think something like this - well, Elke, sacrifice is necessary in our society, without sacrifice our society couldn’t function.

We have to sacrifice for our country, our families, for others that are not as lucky or smart or handy as we are or whatever the case may be. And you would assume that generally without people sacrificing their time, their money or even their health the world would certainly be much worse off.

From an old paradigm view, this is absolutely accurate. As everyone and everything is seen as separate, flawed and is judged to be a certain way, sacrifice in the old paradigm seems normal and sometimes even necessary.

It comes from a place of one against another, be it individually, certain groups and ethnics or even countries. It comes from a place of lack and from a place of seeing everyone and everything as less than perfect. It also comes from a place of wanting to put a label, definition, and norm on everyone and everything.

We have to put up with obligations, expectations, and rules that by the very nature of them force us to sacrifice at least part of our lives. Even if that just means having a 9 to 5 job we don’t like to be able to ‘survive’ in our society.

What if all of the above is not true and doesn’t apply to the new energy, the new paradigm. What if all of the above was made up by the mind and all these perceptions above that have created the perceived reality and society we are now living in and that is changing so rapidly?

What if everyone and everything is perfect just as it is and as they are?

What if instead of going into sacrifice and sacrificing ourselves we shift our perception into guiding and empowering?

Sacrifice is when you do things out of obligation because someone is giving their power away to you from a place of perceived weakness or inability to do something, or from a place of perceived duty to a cause or even country.

Empowering and guiding comes from a place of being there when others are ready to step up and accept their own power and their own magnificence.

All of us are divine beings with the same abilities plus each of us has their own unique ability to bring to this planet and all of us are already perfect, we have just forgotten about it.

We chose to play on this planet to arise from these perceived imperfections and all the mind games and to step into the embodiment of our divinity and our true selves.

Coming from this place, in the new energy/the new paradigm everything becomes a choice, something you are doing with your heart, without any obligations and without sacrificing.

If you choose to become a parent then you know full well that you are in this until the little one is ready to step into their own. You do this because it makes your heart sing to have the opportunity to guide and empower another divine being (not because everyone else has kids too and it is normal or because you want to have a little version of yourself) and show them the ropes on how life on this planet works. You and the little one are joyfully walking side by side, enjoying this part of your life’s journey together.

You know full well what you have signed up for and that this is something you wanted to experience during this lifetime on this planet. You let the little one be who they are, guiding them so they know how everything works and how to navigate on this planet.

At the same time, you never forget who YOU are, giving yourself the time and the freedom to enjoy your life to the fullest without forgetting about them. If necessary, making arrangements to make that happen. This way the little one is always embraced, loved and cared for and you are too.

Every job or endeavor, every task you do is done from a place of doing it from your heart, from a place of true enjoyment, true camaraderie, and true connection. You do it because it makes your heart sing, not because you have to make a living to be able to pay the bills and/or provide for your family.

This is the reason why every one of us has different things we enjoy and are good at. I know people that love to cook, some love to clean, some just shine when they bake, some could immerse themselves in numbers for hours and hours without end and the list goes on and on.

In the new paradigm, the new energy, you follow your heart and your inner guidance, following your passion and the universe always provides for you.

No sacrifice necessary, no giving up part of yourself and your truth to fit into someone else’s box.

Just true enjoyment, expression, equality and walking side by side.

Isn’t it time that we stop sacrificing and start empowering ourselves and others?

Letting Go of Sacrifice

Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.

In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you in pattern of self sacrifice. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of any beliefs with regards to this matter so you can let yourself be loved and embraced without having to sacrifice anything.

This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 1. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.

Personal Use Only

Price Only $15.00

Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email. 

One is based on the mind, it is all about achieving, showing off, being 'better' than others and looking for abundance outside of you. It feels harsh and it is based on lack. Mainly because there is always something better or newer to have or to achieve.

The other is based on the heart, it comes from inside of you or is based on what is already given freely by the Universe. It feels warm, beautiful and there is nothing to achieve.

So why don't we base our abundance on these heart based values, instead of the mind based ones?

Real abundance starts from the inside, it begins with opening up to your inner abundance. An abundance that is not dependant on outside circumstances. It means opening the heart to the love that you are and that is all around you.

It is the simplicity of enjoying everything that is around you and connecting from the heart  with all the wonderful and diverse dear ones, animals and plants that share this beautiful planet with you.

It means following your intuition and the prompts that your heart (which is the connection to your higher levels and the Universe) give you. It means following your passion and putting your heart in everything you do.

Our expectations are a big obstacle to receive the gifts the Universe has to offer.
So why don't we base our abundance on these heart based values, instead of the mind based ones?

Abundance for so many ist to have a lot of money, driving an expensive car, owning a big mansion, being successfull and generally having all those material things, that are perceived to make you happy.

But what about the abundance of love, abundance of health, abundance of beautiful heartbased relationships (even the beloved of your heart), abundance of nature, abundance of joy and enjoyment?

Can you see and more importantly feel the difference between the two above?

One is based on the mind, it is all about achieving, showing off, being 'better' than others and looking for abundance outside of you. It feels harsh and it is based on lack. Mainly because there is always something better or newer to have or to achieve.

The other is based on the heart, it comes from inside of you or is based on what is already given freely by the universe. It feels warm, beautiful and there is nothing to achieve.

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