Author Archives: Elke

Dissolving Emotional Pain and Suffering
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you in pattern of pain and suffering. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of anything that no longer serves you and start living a life in joy.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Dissolving Emotional Pain and Suffering
Emotional pain and suffering seem to be around every corner. It is something that seemingly can’t be avoided, and to the mind and ego it is very real.
This is the reason that so many perceive this planet as some kind of prison planet that they can’t wait to get off to some other much better place sooner rather then later, not realizing that it is within their own power to create this better place for themselves right here, right now without having to leave.
This is the reason why so many perceive that ascension means transcending all of this pain and suffering in such a way that after we have learned our ‘lessons’ here on Earth we earn the right of passage to a dimension where everything is just blissfulness and all airy fairy.
And to some degree this is the truth, except that this is where we are all coming from. A state of complete perfection, IS-ness and constant bliss. A state where everything just is, a state of non-duality and non-judgement. A state without having an egoic mind structure.
We created the Earth (and other playgrounds) to be able to experience our creations first hand, creator expressing, creating and expanding upon itself and its own creation(s).
Much like a game or simulation where you totally immerse yourself until you lose the sense of what is real and what is the simulation.
The truth is that nearly everyone that can’t wait to leave this planet because of all the perceived pain and suffering, is among the first ones to sign up to come back, as they then realize that they got it completely backwards during their last lifetime on Earth. They can’t wait to give it another shot to finally wake up from the human conditioning this time.
Pain and suffering are created by the mind and the emotional level. From early on we are taught that pain is bad, and comfort is good. As soon as we feel pain we are either comforted, distracted, told to toughen up or whatever the case may be, so we don’t have to actually feel the pain and let it go.
All of this doing a beautiful job to create what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain body and a lot of it is even stored within the cells of the body. A huge conglomerate of stored, suppressed and pent up emotions and pain that never had the chance to be felt and released in a healthy way.
The emotions and the pain have to go somewhere, and this is where they end up, because it just isn’t fashionable in today’s society to feel, show and express your pain or emotions.
All these suppressed emotions then create blockages, imbalances and density within the body and last but not least dis-ease.
Pain is a result of attachment and identification of the ego mind with this world, and your body and the attachment to others, things and your perceived reality. Which in turn creates suffering, if we don’t address this pain and let it go.
This is neither good nor bad, it just is what it is, until we are able to transcend all the attachments and identifications and fully move into living from the heart.
One of the steps to get there is feeling and addressing the pain and seeing it for what it is, instead of internalizing it and thereby creating suffering. Only then you will be able to finally let it go, which in turn helps to dissolve the emotional level and the pain body.
I am using myself as an example here (in no way is this example of how it will be for you. This is just how I do things and how I go about my journey as a trailblazer and wayshower at this time):
During the last few years I have been through some very intense times and events that have been happening FOR me, to strip away all remaining attachments and identifications.
It has been VERY intense, because I had been asking to go through this journey and process of embodied enlightenment and moving into the new energy, the new paradigm as fast as I would be able handle it.
And – to the horror of the mind and detriment of the emotional level – the Universe likes to take statements like this very literal.
I knew that one of the last few things that remained was my emotional attachment that was still there in addition to the unconditional love we shared and still do share with my two Rhodesian Ridgeback girls. My two best friends. My family of the heart on this physical plane.
They left me in a way and on such a short notice, that I didn’t have time to mentally and emotionally prepare for it. I had to let them go just one day apart of each other, both having had cancer and both hiding the severity of the condition from me until the last day.
What has happened by most people would be described as a traumatic experience, one person even went as far as calling it stuff that nightmares are made of.
To the mental and emotional level, it was absolutely traumatic. I felt totally heartbroken and there was even a point where I thought I would go crazy.
I pulled back from everyone and I stopped everything, just to be with this and feel the pain, however hard it might seem. Some friends were suggesting to jump onto a plane and fly to Germany, just to escape the house and area were everything was reminding me about them.
Yet I knew that this was NOT the time to run away from the pain by visiting friends, nor was it the time to suppress the pain by working like crazy or watching videos or whatever people do to escape.
I consciously chose to face this emotional pain head on, so it won’t turn into endless suffering. I let myself feel it, express it and let it go.
Doing this has brought me great insights, as I have come to realize that I only feel the pain when I THINK about what has happened and them.
As soon as I drop into my heart center, shut off the mind and the emotional level, there is only love. I can feel their loving presence, laughter and playfulness all around me.
The love that I share with those two has only grown and it still grows daily. When I drop into my heart center I can feel them and know that all is well.
That I have not lost them, to the contrary – I have gained sooo much by having had the honor of having had them walk side by side with me and they are still there, just in a different form.
We live in a magnetic universe, where the sensation of physical or emotional pain is unavoidable. Especially when someone dies unexpectedly, we feel the magnetic energetic cords being ripped out all of the sudden. This is why it feels especially painful and we have a feeling of emptiness within us.
Without the mental emotional level involved pain is just a sensation that needs to be felt and released, but more often than not the mental, emotional level is giving it all this meaning.
Suffering is created by not wanting to let go, not accepting change and not wanting to feel the pain and ultimately letting it go, to be able to fill the emptiness that is created with more and more of your own presence, you own essence.
Instead of knowing that everything is happening FOR us, that we can never really lose anything or anyone, that a perceived end of something is just the beginning of something much bigger that the Universe has in store for you…

Dissolving Emotional Pain and Suffering
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you in pattern of pain and suffering. She incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let go of anything that no longer serves you and start living a life in joy.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.