Author Archives: Elke

Accessing Your Inner Wisdom
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
With this recording Elke removes all frequencies and energies within you that keep you from accessing your own innate inner wisdom.
At the same time she brings in energies and frequencies that assist to you to open up to connect with all that you are, going direct and accessing your own inner wisdom.
The recording features beneficial Angelic, Universal and other frequencies and tones that are additionally layered with powerful energy work.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 3. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Accessing Your Inner Wisdom
Almost every human being on Earth is still operating from a mind and Ego based state, only very rarely accessing their inner wisdom. Wisdom in this day and age is equivalent with acquired knowledge through lots of studying.
If something isn’t contained in a book, ideally supported by hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies and has been peer reviewed, it is viewed as not being real, quackery, wishful thinking and the like.
Perceived reality by most must be visible or it isn’t real. I have heard it so many times during this lifetime from different people - telling me that if they cannot see something and it is not proven, then it does not exist. Which I always found quite funny.
The ones that have the most acquired knowledge, are seen as the wisest and having a great memory makes you somehow more intelligent than others.
The above, again, are beautiful signs and markers of a humanity that is driven by the mind’s perceived power and by the perception that the biggest ego always wins.
Most are not even aware of the fact that by looking at them mind as the most powerful human trait they are restricting themselves immensely. Almost everyone even perceives that they are their mind and their ego.
Although everyone is doing a wonderful job to get their own attention right now. Some just a little bit thicker headed than others…
Even science is now starting to acknowledge the fact there is much more happening in this Universe than can be seen, with quantum physics finding more and things that were never before even thought possible.
But again, by going at this with the mind and its ability to only work with what it has seen and already experienced or what is available by mass consciousness, this is a very slow process.
Especially compared to what would be possible if everyone would just tap into their own innate abilities and call in their own inner wisdom. Which is the equivalent with being able to tap into everything that is know within All That Is.
Accessing your inner wisdom is completely different from accessing your memory and all that you brain, and mind have stored. It cannot be done by willing it or wanting it with your mind. In fact, you have to completely get out of your mind to be able to access your inner wisdom.
Everything that is known in the Universe is stored in so called Universal libraries and can be accessed by everyone, but only when your mind is open to receive it and when you are ready for this knowledge.
Accessing your inner wisdom is a lot of fun and when you start doing it you will be amazed about how much you already know without knowing that you know it.
Accessing mental knowledge and acquired mental wisdom has a lot do with repetition, pushing, pulling, striving and going through the filters of your mind. The more closed minded a person is, the less open the information that will and can be accessed by the mind of this person.
A closed-minded person, entirely focused on survival and the lower levels of existence will never be able to access their inner wisdom, as their mind will not let this wisdom through its filters.
One has to actually start opening their mind and their perspective, developing an open mind first, to be able to start to access the inner wisdom that is available to them.
Accessing accumulated knowledge and memories has to do with focusing and concentrating on what you want to retrieve. Accessing your inner wisdom is quite the contrary. You put out what you want to know, open your heart and your mind and wait for the knowledge to come to you. And it will always come to you within Universal timing, which may take a long time or may be instant.
It has a lot to do with going with the flow, accepting what is and coming from a wide open space, knowing full well about your own magnificence and that you are much more and bigger than your mind. Knowing that you have access to everything and that the energy of the Universe is here to serve you.
So how can I get started with accessing my inner wisdom?
I would suggest that you start small and be playful with it. You could ask about how something works and then wait for the knowledge to come to you. Do not will it, just put it out and then let it go. It will most likely come to you at a time you will not expect it.
You could start with sitting down with a pen and paper, writing down what comes to you. Do not think about it, just let the words flow.
This is how I create these Insights. I have the theme of the recording, write down the title and then let the information on what to write flow in. I never think about what I am going to write or plan it out in any way.
I sit down to write and almost always when I am done and read it later on I am amazed about what came through.
I tap into all that I am, call in my higher levels and ask to be a clear conduit of all of myself and the Universe and the information to be complementary for everyone concerned.
I know that not everyone is going to like it and I am fine with it, but I know it is coming from the highest and purest source that is available and is for the highest and best good for everyone concerned.
Why don’t you start to tune into your inner wisdom and the wisdom of All That Is. You will be amazed of what is possible and what you already know. Just be playful and have fun with it.

Accessing Your Inner Wisdom
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
With this recording Elke removes all frequencies and energies within you that keep you from accessing your own innate inner wisdom.
At the same time she brings in energies and frequencies that assist to you to open up to connect with all that you are, going direct and accessing your own inner wisdom.
The recording features beneficial Angelic, Universal and other frequencies and tones that are additionally layered with powerful energy work.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 3. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.