Accepting Responsibility for Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you from realizing and accepting responsibility for yourself and your creations. It incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let start letting the energies serve you instead of being pushed and pulled by them.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
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Accepting Responsibility for Yourself
I am sure most of you would tell me right here and now that you are absolutely taking responsibility for yourself and I am sure you are doing a great job within the rulesets and confines of societies’ perception of what being responsible is.
I am certain you are doing a beautiful job trying to be a responsible member of your community, a responsible employee, employer, parent, family member, or whatever the case may be. Trying to adhere to all the rules that have been put upon you and be responsible within these parameters and within the groups that you are a member of.
When I look around myself though I see a lot of entitlement, one group against another, finger pointing, giving power away to others, groups, society, governments and so on.
I’ll just give an example of what I mean by that with an observation I personally have made and that particularly stands out to me.
One thing that I have been wondering and even chuckling about for a very long time is the generational conflict that has always been there and will be there for as long as humanity defines itself within the confines of the old paradigm and the mind.
When I was a kid in school we were always told by our teachers that we are the laziest, most entitled and unorganised bunch that they have ever encountered, and when interacting with older people I was often told how lazy our generation was, and how much better it was when they were young, how much they had to work to get were they are now and that we would be the downfall of humanity.
On the other hand, there was the perception of so many of my peers of what they were entitled for. What their parents had to do to provide for them, looking at their parent’s possessions as if they were their own, as they would at some point inherit it anyways. Taking everything that was given to them for granted.
Now, that I am part of that perceivably ‘older’ generation (something I personally have to laugh about as I do not have any age, if anything it’s only a measurement of how long my body has been on the planet this time around), I hear pretty much the same things again.
The older generations blaming the younger ones and the other way around. The younger ones taking everything for granted, as if there was some written rule of what they are entitled to.
I personally do not find that I have any right to take anything for granted. Everything that is provided to me is a gift.
My parents having taken care of me is not something to be taken for granted, it is a wonderful thing to behold. Even though in hindsight they have in many ways done a perceivably terrible job, they always provided me with the best they could, to the best of their ability, coming from the place they were at, at the time.
I always had shelter and my basic needs were cared for. I was taken care of, so I could grow up and embark on my own journey. They gave their time caring for me when I was little and spent money on me to provide for me and that to me was never something to be taken for granted.

For this reason, I always tried to give back to them whenever I could, to show my appreciation for that. It doesn’t mean though that I have to sacrifice for them on my own journey, just as I didn’t expect them to sacrifice on their journey for me.
This is where we really want to look at the definition of accepting responsibility for yourself.
Accepting responsibility for myself to me means staying in my power at all times. It means that I do not take anything for granted and that I do not expect anyone or any system to provide for me.
I accept every situation as it is and make the best out of it. I do not consciously harm myself, my body or my immediate environment, which includes other humans, animals and nature.
As I accept my power I also know full well that others have just the same power within themselves. They are just as perfect as I am, even if they might not realize it yet. Therefore, I will not dishonor them by trying to take care of them, carrying them or otherwise take their power away. It also means that I will not let them give their power to me. I will however show them how they can step into their own power and take responsibility for themselves if they ask, and only then.
Accepting responsibility for yourself means to accept that you are the creator of your reality, nobody else. No government, system or person is able to take away your power if you do not willingly give it away.
It means walking away from a relationship if it does not serve you any more, even if you stay ‘just for the kids’. The kids feel exactly what is going on and they suffer just as much as you do.
This is true for any relationship for that matter.
It means stopping to shove down foods or drinks or any other substances that harm your body, just so you can feel better for a very short time. In an attempt to fill the empty space within you, despite the fact that your body is crying for help and you will have to pay the price for it sooner or later.
Taking responsibility for yourself means that you listen to your inner guidance, which is your own voice anyways and follow it. It also means that you listen to your body and stop harming it.
Your body always sends you messages and it always communicates with you, but I see so many people constantly harming themselves and their bodies that it’s not even funny.
It means accepting your own magnificence and your own benevolence and radiating that out into the outside world.
It means letting go of all identifications with the outside world, gender, ethnicity, groups and even your body, as this still is giving your power away, believing that you are something that you are not, as you are waaaayyy bigger than any of these perceived identities.
It means seeing the creator essence in everyone and everything, especially yourself. Seeing this playground Earth as your clay that you can shape in any way you want, with other equal playmates on your side to make this game a much more fun and indefinitely more enjoyable experience.

Accepting Responsibility for Yourself
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
In this frequency healing track Elke addresses the imbalances and frequencies that are keeping you from realizing and accepting responsibility for yourself and your creations. It incorporates beneficial frequencies, energy healing and subliminals to assist you to let start letting the energies serve you instead of being pushed and pulled by them.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.