Embodiment Series

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Integrate Your Light Body / Integrate Higher States of Consciousness

Opening Your Mind, Releasing
the Ego

Releasing Control -
I Surrender to All of Myself

Self Care - Cultivate Self Love

Embodiment of Love and Light

Become Whole

Opening Up to and Bringing in Your Highest Potentials

Be at Peace with Yourself

Rebuilding the Body in Your Image

Removing the Veils - Remember Who You Truly Are

Letting Go of all Identities
and Stories

Dissolving The Shadows Within

Embracing Life

Being Fully Present Within the Body

Accepting Everything As It Is And Going/Flowing With It

Stand in Your Truth

Own Your Divinity

Open Up and Expand 
Your Consciousness

Release The Belief That You Are
Flawed Or Somehow Broken

Claim and Embrace
Your Uniqueness

Becoming and Being Neutral

Access Your All-Knowingness

Welcome Yourself, Your Energy and Consciousness Back

Seeing the Beauty in Everything

Welcome Back Your Soul Fragmentations (Soul Retrieval)

Embracing Clarity